Seeking to promote conversation between educational professionals and the public in a democratic, pluralistic setting
Sunday, May 31, 2009
New YouTube clips online!
Clip 1: ACLU Staff Attorney Aaron Caplan discusses the history of legal decisions leading up to the Supreme Court's 2007 decision in Morse v. Frederick, also known as the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case.
Go to the video on YouTube.
Caplan's original article, "Visions of Public Education in Morse v. Frederick," first appeared in our Winter 2008 issue, "Schooling as if Democracy Matters."
Clip 2: Whatcom Day Academy educator Vale Hartley discusses democratic practices in her classroom as part of the academy's participation in the League of Democratic Schools.
Go to the video on YouTube
Hartley's original article, "The Elementary Classroom: A Key Dimension of a Child's Democratic World" first appeared in our Winter 2008 issue, "Schooling as if Democracy Matters."
Clip 3: Western Washington University Professor Bill Lyne discusses his article "Beautiful Losers."
Go to the video on YouTube
Lyne's original article, "Beautiful Losers" first appeared in our Winter 2008 issue, "Schooling as if Democracy Matters."
Clip 4: Our panelists respond to audience questions in a brief Q & A session.
Go to the video on YouTube
View the full forum here.
Come back in a few weeks for clips from our 2009 forum, and the latest installment in our "Talking with the Authors" series!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Call for Submissions deadline approaching
THEME: What is the Role of Professionals in the Public Square
Professionals in all fields -- education, business, law, medicine, journalism, social work, engineering, etc.-- bring a special expertise to the discussion of ideas in the public square of a democracy. At times, democratic decisions or views widely held by the public conflict with sound professional knowledge and other imperatives faced by the professional, and challenge the integrity of the choices that a professional must make in a particular case. Under those circumstances, the professional is left with a decision about the ethical path to follow. This issue of the Journal of Educational Controversy invites authors to compose a dilemma that pits a democratic decision or widely held view against the expertise of professional standards or other imperatives faced by a professional, examine the choices that would have to be weighed, and consider the most ethical position that should be taken. This issue of the journal invites authors from all professions to look at the dilemma from within the context of their own professions.
Please direct your submissions to: