Wednesday, March 9, 2016

New "Call for Papers" on the Theme: "Black Lives Matter and the Education Industrial Complex"

The Journal of Educational Controversy announces a new "call for papers" for its 2017 issue:


Controversy Addressed:

Along with drawing attention to the police as occupying armies in Black American communities, the Black Lives Matter movement has highlighted the deep roots of institutionalized racism in the United States.  Starting with the fundamental question, Do Black Lives Matter in the U.S. Education Industrial Complex?,  this issue of the Journal of Educational Controversy seeks to explore the various questions raised by Black Lives Matter in relation to U.S.  educational institutions, policies, and practices as they impact men, women, and children of color intersectionally, with respect to gender, gender identity, and class.  These questions could include the status of schools as institutions of control and sites of reproduction of racist ideology; the possibility of schools as sites of liberationist  transformation; the institutional history of schools alongside the development of institutional racism; the institutional response of schools to incidents of racial violence; the history of black studies programs in relation to black liberation movements, and the appropriation and sanitizing of terms like diversity and multiculturalism.

Publication Date: 2017
Manuscripts Due: December 31, 2016

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

David Stovall to Speak at Western Washington University on “Justice Does Not Happen in a Vacuum: Race, Rights and the Possibility of Now”

As part of the Diversity Teach-Ins at Western Washington University, David Stovall will be speaking on “Justice Does not Happen in a Vacuum: Race, Rights and the Possibility of Now.”   The event will take place on March 8th in Fraser 102, 4-6pm, on the Western campus.     
 David Omotoso Stovall, Ph.D., is a professor of Educational Policy Studies and African-American Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

His talk is entitled, “Justice Does Not Happen in a Vacuum:  Race, Rights and the Possibility of Now.” He will be discussing state-sanctioned violence against Black communities (and other communities of color), situating contemporary youth movements within a context of community resistance to systems of racialized oppression and violence, ultimately urging educators and community leaders alike to move beyond tough talk.

The Journal of Educational Controversy is co-sponsoring the event along with the Woodring College of Education, Center for Education, Equity and Diversity, Education and Social Justice Minor, Associated Students Social Issues Resource Center, Ethnic Student Center, Diversity Fund, Office of the Provost, Academic Affairs, WCE Equity and Diversity Committee.

Watch for the journal’s next call for papers on “Black Lives Matter and the Education Industrial Complex.”