Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Welcome to the official blog of the Journal of Educational Controversy, an interdisciplinary electronic journal for dialogue about our nation's education. We are very excited about this blog and about the increasing debate, more lively than ever, that comes with each issue of our journal.

Aristotle said, "Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." This journal attempts to create a common forum for change, a place in which we can get angry at the right time and for a right reason. All public matters are traced back to the purpose and practice of our public education. We need spaces for debate about education so that ideas can be produced, discussed and applied.

Our journal has received over half a million hits since we started in 2006. We publish across a variety of disciplines, and our editorial board includes professors of law, anthropology, education, sociology, English, philosophy and diverse cultural and ethnic studies. Each issue poses a different controversy that is related to teaching and learning in a pluralistic, democratic society. Previous issues' topics have included Schooling As if Democracy Matters, Jonathon Kozol's Nation of Shame 40 Years Later, and Liberty and Equality: Conflicting Values in the Public Schools of a Liberal Democratic Society. Our next issue, on Thinking and Teaching About Poverty and Class, will come out this winter.

You can read the journal here and the calls for papers here. You can also watch speeches by authors and presenters, roundtable discussions and see our rejoinder section, in which readers respond to the articles. (Rejoinders are up to 1500 words.) We hope you enjoy it, and become excited to contribute to the conversation.


  1. Congratulations on this new blog. The Journal has been an outstanding publication that deals with some of the controversies in education and this blog will provide an important dialofue for those of us who are involved in the educational change process. Our voices are needed now more than ever. Keep up the great work Lorraine!!

  2. It is the dialogue that we want to begin, not dialofue. Just a slip of the finger!!

  3. Congratulations on this important initiative.
    I would like to post a couple of paragraphs of my welcoming remarks to education students (class of 2006/07) at Queen's University, Canada as a way to open a discussion on teacher preparation.
    "The process of learning your practice and developing an ethically defensible vision of education demands the cultivation of dispositions, habits of mind, and virtues that are necessary to engage in a meaningful reflective practice. The dynamics of teaching and learning call for professionals able to see things in new ways through self-study and in self-critical activities. Being attentive and reflective become necessary conditions to those activities as these dispositions help educators to build personal connections with students while also understanding and responding to their needs in a just and compassionate manner. However, it is the cultivation of humility, a virtue understood as openness to revise and transform yourself, which will provide a solid framework for your work. At the same time, it is important for educators to encourage their students to act responsively and with an ethical orientation...."

  4. Congratulation on start this blog. Hope we it play a significant role in boosting my knowledge. Best of luck.
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