Tuesday, November 29, 2011

C.A. Bowers Announces New Books

Editor: Readers will remember the article by C.A. Bowers in our issue on “The Hidden Dimensions of Poverty: Rethinking Poverty and Education.” The article was titled, “Rethinking Social Justice Issues within an Eco-Justice Conceptual and Moral Framework," and elicited a very spirited debate on our Rejoinders page. We would like to announce three new books by the author that we think our readership will enjoy reading. Watch for our special issue on "Sustainability and Education" in 2013. A call for papers will be announced by the end of the year.

Latest Books by C.A. BowersPerspectives on the Ideas of Gregory Bateson, Ecological Intelligence, and Educational Reforms

  • Perspectives on the Ideas of Gregory Bateson, Ecological Intelligence, and Educational Reforms
  • University Reform in an Era of Global Warming 
  • Educational Reforms for the 21st Century: How to Introduce Ecologically Sustainable Reforms in Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies


with chapters by

Rolf Jucker, Jorge Ishizawa and Grimaldo Rengifo

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Gregory Bateson’s Contribution to Understanding Ecological Intelligence

Chapter 3 An Ecological Intelligence Perspective on Social Justice

Chapter 4 The Democratic Nature of Ecological Intelligence

Chapter 5 How Ecological Intelligence Leads to Reframing the Origins of Moral Values

Chapter 6 How the Classroom Uses of Computers Undermine Ecological Intelligence

Chapter 7 Making the Transition from Individual to Ecological Intelligence

Other Perspectives on Ecological Intelligence

Chapter 8 Is a Systemic Education Transcending the “I” Even Imaginable: Some Reflections from German Speaking Europe, by Rolf Jucker

Chapter 9 Revitalizing the Ecological Intelligence of Andean Amazonian Communities: The Way Back to Respect, by Jorge Ishizawa and Grimaldo Rengifo

Available as a paperback or as an ebook from the Eco-Justice Press

University Reform in an Era of Global Warming
C. A. Bowers


Chapter 1 Rethinking the Mission of the University

Chapter 2 Slowing the Rate of Environmental Degradation

Chapter 3 Conceptual Double Binds that Must Be Addressed in Reforming Higher Education

Chapter 4 How the Western Philosophers’ Legacy of Abstract Thinking Marginalized Awareness of the Cultural Commons, Other Cultural Ways of Knowing, and Environmental Issues

Chapter 5 Perhaps the Most Difficult Reform to Undertake: Addressing the Linguistic Colonization of the Present by the Past

Chapter 6 The Cultural Mediating Role of the Professor—Across the Disciplines

Chapter 7 The Misuse of Academic Freedom in an Era of Global Warming

Chapter 8 The Leadership Role of Presidents, Deans, and Department Chairpersons

Chapter 9 Why the George Lakoff and Mark Johnson Theory of Metaphorical Thinking Fails to Address Linguistic Issues Related to the Ecological Crisis

Chapter 10 Educational Reforms that Foster Ecological Intelligence

Available from the Eco-Justice Press as a paperback or as an ebook.
Educational Reforms for the 21st Century: How to Introduce Ecologically Sustainable Reforms in Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies
C. A. Bowers


Chapter 1 Introduction to Ecologically and Culturally Informed Reforms in Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies

Chapter 2 Teaching Ecologically Sustainable Cultural Assumptions

Chapter 3 The Classroom Practice of Commons Education

Chapter 4 The Political Context of Commons Education

Chapter 5 The Need to Move Beyond a 20th Century Orthodoxy: the Social Darwinian Thinking of Scientists, John Dewey, and Paulo Freire

Chapter 6 The Teacher’s Role as a Mediator Between the Cultural Commons and Consumer-Dependent Experiences

Chapter 7 How Computers Contribute to the Enclosure of the Cultural Commons

Available from the Eco-Justice Press as an ebook.

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