Friday, April 13, 2012

High School Students Defend their Teacher and Director of the Mexican American Studies Program in Arizona’s Tucson Unified School District

Editor: Tucson High School students and members of the Tucson High School M.E.Ch.A. have put out a press release about their support for a Tucson, Arizona teacher whose job is in jeopardy.  Below is the Press Release.
Tucson High Magnet School M.E.Ch.A.
For Immediate Release: April 10, 2012
      As Tucson High M.E.Ch.A., we would like to declare our unending support for Mr. Sean Arce, director of Mexican American Studies. We have witnessed countless malicious attacks on our teachers and the removal of the highly efficient Chicano Studies program. Now Mr. Arce's job stands on the line in the hands of the TUSD School board and Superintendent John Pedicone.
     Mr. Arce is our maestro, advocate, and above all, our friend and we stand behind him. Not many teachers and even fewer directors of programs hold this title among students and alumni. Some of us have had the pleasure of experiencing Mr. Arce as a substitute teacher during a chaotic time last year when TUSD was slow to hire a new, qualified Chicano Literature teacher. We have never known any administrative personnel to take on substitute teaching during their busy schedules. Indeed, we know of no other administrator who would take the time to develop relationships with their students just as he has.
     In the short time we had him as a substitute teacher, we enjoyed interactive and personal learning from someone who we know cares about us. Mr. Arce is one of the many faculty members that represents the rights that were taken away from us as students---the ability to learn in a safe and loving environment. For this we are grateful and hold Mr. Arce with the utmost respect. As students we demand that Sean Arce remain secure in his position.
Contact: Tucson High Magnet School M.E.Ch.A.

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