Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Preview of "Talking With the Authors," featuring Justice Bridge of the Center for Children and Youth Justice

Former Washington State Supreme Court Justice Bobbe J. Bridge, founder of the Center for Children and Youth Justice, was interviewed recently for our "Talking with the Authors" series in connection with her article for The Journal of Educational Controversy's issue on the School-to-Prison Pipeline.

Find the full interview with Justice Bridge here.

Our current issue on the School-to-Prison Pipeline, including Justice Bridge's article, can be found here.


1 comment:

  1. I am wondering why if the main reasons students in disengage are feelings of failure regarding core subjects, family issues and mental health are the courts brought in instead of the Department of Children and Family Services, or counselor, therapist, and tutors of some sort. I live in Ohio and am a licensed prevention specialists so I work with many families involved in the court system. While the court can issue orders and services in our wrap-around model to make access available to needed services, the cost on the family is tremendous. Travel, time off work, court costs all induce additional stress on an already overly stressed family system. It would seem that the during the first 5 contacts someone from the school should have ascertained the issues and could then contact DCFS or the proper agency in your state or county, before involving the courts.

    Thank you.
    Celia Wilson, MA, OCPSII, ICPS, CDCA
    Ed.D. (Adult Education) Candidate Walden University
