Friday, June 20, 2014

Preview of Talking with the Authors, featuring Thelma Jackson

Read the article Educational Malpractice in Our Schools: Shortchanging African American and Other Disenfranchised Students
by Thelma Jackson
African American Think Tank President,
Foresight Consultants,
Olympia, Washington

See the full-length video from May 17, 2013 on Authors Talk.

1 comment:

  1. I found the views of Dr. Jackson in sync with a recent discussion I had with a classmate in one of our online Doctoral candidate classes at Walden University. Dr. Jackson mentioned access and homogenous which are the very words used in our discussion. My classmates mentioned that her Euro-centric culture thinks of themselves as homogenous and I that that mindset gives them access and accommodations. Need based, technology enhances, and learning style focused learning is not be just a trend in education. It is the way to counter the maltreatment and mis-education of people of color. Thank you Greg for posting this.
    Celia Wilson, MA, OCPSII, ICPS, CDCA
