One of our authors in our current issue on "The Hidden Dimensions of Poverty: Rethinking Poverty and Education" has announced his new online book that is available for downloading as part of the "cultural commons." You can find the book, Essays on Ecologically Sustainable Educational Reforms by C.A. Bowers, by going to www.cabowers.net/ Also check out Chet Bower's article in our journal entitled, "Rethinking Social Justice Issues Within an Eco-Justice Conceptual and Moral Framework."
Below is the table of contents for the book:
Essays on Ecologically Sustainable Educational Reforms
Below is the table of contents for the book:
Essays on Ecologically Sustainable Educational Reforms
By C.A. Bowers
Chapter 1 Making the Transition from Individual to Ecological Intelligence: The Challenge Facing Curriculum Theorists
Chapter 2 The Limitations of the Daniel Goleman/Wal-Mart View of Ecological Intelligence
Chapter 3 The Hidden Roots of Cultural Colonization in Teaching English as a Second Language
Chapter 4 Reflections on Teaching the Course “Curriculum Reform in an Era of Global Warming”
Chapter 5 University Reforms that Contribute to the Revitalization of the Cultural Commons
Chapter 6 The Environmental Ethic in Three Theories of Evolution
Chapter 7 Educating for a Sustainable Future: Mediating Between the Commons and Economic Globalization
Chapter 8 The Imperialistic Agenda of Moacir Gadotti’s Eco-Pedagogy
UPDATE: For readers who have had difficulty finding the book, here is a direct link: