A U.S.
District Court has ruled that the banning of the Mexican American Curriculum in
Tucson, Arizona was discriminatory and motivated by racial animus.
have been following the events following the banning of the Mexican American
Studies Program in the Tucson Unified School District in Arizona in our
journal, on our blog and in several panels and forums that were videotaped and
made available to our readers. See “The Hypocrisy of Racism: Arizona's Movement towards State-SanctionedApartheid” by Augustine F. Romero, “Dangerous Minds In Tucson: The Banning of Mexican American Studies andCritical Thinking In Arizona” by Curtis Acosta, “Precious Knowledge: An Interview with Film Director, Ari Palos, on April15, 2013” by Celina Meza, and “Keeping the Flames at Bay: The Interplay between Federal Oversight andState Politics in Tucson’s Mexican American Studies Program,” by
Leslie A. Locke and Ann E. Blankenship.
We will provide an extensive analysis of the court decision in a future post on this blog. Check back.
We will provide an extensive analysis of the court decision in a future post on this blog. Check back.