Journal of Educational Controversy


Friday, February 18, 2011

John Dewey: America's philosopher of democracy and his importance to education

Our journal's consulting editor, A.G. Rud, Dean of the College of Education at Washington State University, has produced a short YouTube video on "John Dewey: America's philosopher of democracy and his importance to education."  As one commentary on YouTube put it, "Well done. Not an easy task to give an overview of JD and his more than 700 articles in 140 journals, and approximately 40 books."  We agree.

1 comment:

Guava Jordan said...

As an adult educator,I see and hear John Dewey references quite often. His beliefs about "learning in context" and "collaborative education where we learn from people who are not like us" are revered in the field of adult ed.

As an adult learner who has participated in different graduate and continuing education courses over the last 10 years, however, I have only experienced this kind of classroom recently. If Dewey's philosophies are so widely accepted why are they so rarely enacted?